

Repression against Palestine solidarity – Interview with Zaid Abdulnasser

Samidoun was banned on November 2. Activists are threatened with deportation. Freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are massively restricted. Zaid Abdulnasser - a former member of Samidoun - talks in detail about the fierce repression in Germany, the Samidoun network, anti-Semitism, the so-called two-state solution, the significance of October 7 and the tasks of Palestine solidarity in Germany.

Impressions of the Communism Congress 2023

Audio recordings of the Communism Congress 2023 online! With almost 300 guests from the German communist movement and 22 speakers, including from Russia, Palestine, Greece, China, South Korea and Great Britain, we had controversial discussions on questions of anti-imperialism, the connection between national liberation and international class struggle. Read our report on the congress and listen to the lectures!

Resolution des Kommunismus Kongresses 2023/Communism Congress 2023

Volle Solidarität mit dem Widerstand Palästinas! Solidarität mit dem antifaschistischen Kampf in der Ukraine! Stärkt den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen die NATO! Full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance! Solidarity with the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine! Strengthen the common fight against NATO!

Steht auf gegen das Verbot von Samidoun! Schande über den Verrat der „Roten Hilfe“ / Stand up against the ban on Samidoun! Shame on...

Samidoun soll verboten werden! Die Rote Hilfe fällt der Palästina-Solidarität in den Rücken! Widerstand gegen Besatzung und Kolonialismus ist kein Terror! Gegen das Betätigungsverbot von Hamas und das Verbot der PFLP!

Podcast #40 – Tings Chak on the development and contradictions of China

We asked Tings why China is not just another rising capitalist country and about the role of China in the fight for national liberation and sovereignty in the global South.

Solidarity with Zaid means fighting imperialism and the colonial asylum regime!

The recent attack on Samidoun shows once again how imperialism, colonialism, racism and flight are interconnected - and that the fight against it must be waged together!

Grußwort von Alexej Albu (Borotba) zum Antikriegstag – Greeting by Alexey Albu (Borotba) for the International Day of Peace

Zum diesjährigen Weltfriedenstag hat uns der Genosse Alexej Albu ein Grußwort aus dem Donbas an die deutsche kommunistische und Friedensbewegung geschickt. On the occasion of this year's International Day of Peace, Comrade Alexey Albu sent us a greeting from Donbas to the German communist and Peace Movement.

Hände weg von Niger! Westen raus aus dem Sahel! Hands off Niger! West get out of the Sahel!

Frankreichs neokoloniale Vormachtstellung in Westafrika bröckelt weiter – und mit ihr die des gesamten Westens. Eine hoffnungsvolle Entwicklung für die Völker Afrikas, die verteidigt und konsequent fortgeführt werden muss! France's neocolonial supremacy in West Africa continues to erode – and with it that of the entire West. A hopeful development for the peoples of Africa, which must be defended and consistently continued!

Podcast #37 – New Communist Party of Yugoslavia on NATO’s Role in the Balkans

For our latest episode we talked to Aleksandar Djenic from the "New Communist Party of Yugoslavia" about the historical development of the states of the former Yugoslavia and about the war in Ukraine.

Podcast #36 – The Socialist Movement of Ghana

Our guest, Kyeretwie Opoku, from the Socialist Movement of Ghana describes the evolution of US-Imperialism as a dominant power in Ghana, speaks on the impact of China on the African continent and the current tide of class struggle in western Africa.