We talked with Vashna Jagarnath about the upcoming elections in South Africa, the political landscape in which it takes place as well as internal and external factors that are shaping it. Vashna is the Deputy General Secretary of the SRWP (Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa). She is active in NUMSA and Pan Africanism Today.
In diesem Dossier wollen wir Texte und Hintergrundinformationen zum Kampf gegen die Kriminalisierung der Parole „From the river to the sea – Palestine will be free“ sammeln.
Wir teilen hier die Erklärung des österreichischen Vereins Dar al Janub, der von Repression betroffen ist. In der Erklärung wird nachgezeichnet, wie antimuslimischer Rassismus immer mehr Aufwind bekam in Österreich, die Repression gegen Palästinasolidarität voranschritt, wie dabei der Antisemitismusbegriff verfälscht und instrumentalisiert wird und wie das mit der fehlenden Entnazifizierung Österreichs zusammenhängt. Wir haben die Erklärung auch auf Deutsch übersetzt.
We share the statement of the Austrian association Dar al Janub, which is affected by repression. The statement traces how anti-Muslim racism has become increasingly prevalent in Austria, how repression against Palestine solidarity has progressed, how the concept of anti-Semitism has been distorted and instrumentalized and how this is linked to Austria's lack of denazification. We have also translated the declaration into German.
Samidoun was banned on November 2. Activists are threatened with deportation. Freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are massively restricted. Zaid Abdulnasser - a former member of Samidoun - talks in detail about the fierce repression in Germany, the Samidoun network, anti-Semitism, the so-called two-state solution, the significance of October 7 and the tasks of Palestine solidarity in Germany.
The recent attack on Samidoun shows once again how imperialism, colonialism, racism and flight are interconnected - and that the fight against it must be waged together!