
Now in English: Booklet on `Zeitenwende`and war preparations in Germany

Three years ago Olaf Scholz declared a turning point, the Zeitenwende. The plans for this had been in the drawer for some time. The goal is to make Germany capable of waging war on a large scale. This war is a war against Russia. This booklet traces the most important developments of the past three years. In addition to the military, economic, political, and ideological buildup, it ultimately focuses on what is our collective task: stopping the war against Russia.

The contents of the booklet:

  1. A ‘Zeitenwende’ that was long in preparation
    Background: Germany‘s third attempt at war against Russia
  2. From helmets to Taurus to nuclear armament
    War maneuvers: Germany as the European NATO pillar against Russia | The Lithuanian Brigade—“A Lighthouse Project at the Zeitenwende” | “A European presence in the Indo-Pacific” | Operations Plan Germany—a plan for war against Russia | Military service, compulsory military service, home guard regiment | The more the weapons, the longer the war | Europe-made re-armament | Missiles aimed at Moscow: US medium-range weapons in Wiesbaden, Germany | Background: the rearmament of the FRG
  3. War loans, forced labor and armaments magnates
    The war economy is being built | War credits | Economic crisis – for whom actually? | Social cuts, increase in working hours, forced labor
  4. Enforcer of the ‘Zeitenwende’ wanted
    Trump elected and the Ampel coalition is out | German parliamentary election 2025 | Background: The sphere of influence of German imperialism
  5. The home front is being built up
    Opponents of war and genocide on trial | Media as war drummer | Russophobia has a long tradition | The FRG on the racist offensive | The “German responsibility” | Background: The rehabilitation of fascism
  6. Three years of ‘Zeitenwende’– three years of too little resistance
    Opinion polls on the Zeitenwende | German Trade Unions leadership in the service of the Zeitenwende | Protests and Problems | Stopping the ‘Zeitenwende’ means stopping the war against Russia!


Die Gefahr eines „abgekarteten Abkommens“

Wie sind die Verhandlungsmanöver der USA einzuschätzen? Wie könnte die Russische Föderation darauf reagieren? Welche Fallen stellt der Westen auf? Wir spiegeln hier die Einschätzung von Sergej Obuchow, Mitglied des Präsidiums der Kommunistischen Partei der Russischen Föderation. Sie enthält interessante Punkte zur aktuellen Lage.

Frantz Fanon über die europäische Linke und ihr Verhältnis zur antikolonialen Revolution

1957, mitten im Befreiungskrieg Algeriens, veröffentliche Frantz Fanon eine scharfe Kritik an der Haltung der französischen Linken zur algerischen Revolution.Dieser Text ist vor dem Hintergrund des Befreiungskampfs in Palästina hoch aktuell: Fanon attackiert liberale Rassismus- und Kolonialismusvorstellungen und die an unhaltbare Bedingungen geknüpfte Solidarität der Linken in der Metropole mit dem algerischen Volk. Außerdem benennt er zentrale Wesensmerkmale des Siedlerkolonialismus.