Hände weg von Niger! Westen raus aus dem Sahel! Hands off Niger! West get out of the Sahel!
Frankreichs neokoloniale Vormachtstellung in Westafrika bröckelt weiter – und mit ihr die des gesamten Westens. Eine hoffnungsvolle Entwicklung für die Völker Afrikas, die verteidigt und konsequent fortgeführt werden muss!France's neocolonial supremacy in West Africa continues to erode – and with it that of the entire West. A hopeful development for the peoples of Africa, which must be defended and consistently continued!
Podcast #36 – The Socialist Movement of Ghana
Our guest, Kyeretwie Opoku, from the Socialist Movement of Ghana describes the evolution of US-Imperialism as a dominant power in Ghana, speaks on the impact of China on the African continent and the current tide of class struggle in western Africa.
Podcast #35 – Communist Party of Kenya on Neocolonialism and Imperialism
Our guest Booker Omole the national vice president from the Communist party of Kenya talks about the neocolonial system that developed after the formal independence of Kenia in 1963 and that is still shaping the political reality today.