


Podcast #42 – Vashna Jagarnath on political struggle in South Africa and Panafricanism

We talked with Vashna Jagarnath about the upcoming elections in South Africa, the political landscape in which it takes place as well as internal and external factors that are shaping it. Vashna is the Deputy General Secretary of the SRWP (Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa). She is active in NUMSA and Pan Africanism Today.

Together against the rehabilitation of fascism!

The German rulers are using their own crimes to legitimise their war policy today. They are arming the Bandera anti-Semites in Kiev and using the Holocaust to strengthen their own war power. Let us fight together against this rehabilitation of fascism!

Resolution des Kommunismus Kongresses 2023/Communism Congress 2023

Volle Solidarität mit dem Widerstand Palästinas! Solidarität mit dem antifaschistischen Kampf in der Ukraine! Stärkt den gemeinsamen Kampf gegen die NATO! Full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance! Solidarity with the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine! Strengthen the common fight against NATO!

Podcast #36 – The Socialist Movement of Ghana

Our guest, Kyeretwie Opoku, from the Socialist Movement of Ghana describes the evolution of US-Imperialism as a dominant power in Ghana, speaks on the impact of China on the African continent and the current tide of class struggle in western Africa.

Podcast #35 – Communist Party of Kenya on Neocolonialism and Imperialism

Our guest Booker Omole the national vice president from the Communist party of Kenya talks about the neocolonial system that developed after the formal independence of Kenia in 1963 and that is still shaping the political reality today.

Recording – Nilotpal Basu (CPIM) on Imperialism and Ukraine War

What is CPIM's assessment of the Ukraine war? What is its understanding of imperialism today? Together with Nilotpal Basu (member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of India - Marxist) we discussed the CPIM's position on the war, the role of the Modi government and the Indian bourgeoisie, and the strategy and tactics for the Indian working class.

Interview CPGB-ML

Im Anschluss an unseren Podcast mit Harpal Brar sprachen wir noch einmal mit der CPGB-ML u.a. über ihre Einschätzung des Krieges und der Entwicklung Großbritanniens. Following our podcast with Harpal Brar, we spoke again to the CPGB-ML about their assessment of the war and the development of Britain.