
Podcast #35 – Communist Party of Kenya on Neocolonialism and Imperialism

Our guest Booker Omole the national vice president of the Communist party of Kenya talks about the neocolonial system that developed after the formal independence of Kenia in 1963 and that is still shaping the political reality today. Booker disapproves the common equalization of the activities of China to the imperialistic policies of the west and talks about the anti-china sentiments, which are carefully put in place by western media. He speaks about the history of progressive forces and resistance to imperialism and the development of the communist movement in Kenya. 

To learn more about and support the Communist Party of Kenya check out these links:

1. Website: https://www.communistpartyofkenya.org/

2. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@communistpartyofkenya

3. Twitter: https://twitter.com/CommunistsKe

4. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommunistKenya

5. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communistske/

6. Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HR9Z25JYDA8JJo

7. Propaganda shop: https://peacelandthreads.com/collections/communist-party-of-kenya

8.  CPK mega Book : https://www.lulu.com/shop/central-organizing-committee-of-the-communist-party-of-kenya-and-red-prints-publishing-and-marxist-leninist-reading-hub/the-building-of-the-communist-party-of-kenya/paperback/product-wpymnp.html


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