
Urgent: Stop the Assassination of the Anti-fascists Kononovich by the Zelensky Regime

Urgent Appeal of the Anti-fascists Kononovich from Ukraine: Stop our Murder!

The Kononovich brothers are under house arrest in Ukraine. Now they are under threat of assassination. Go to the Ukrainian consulates and protest against the planned murder!

„We, the Kononovich brothers, are Ukrainian communists and anti-fascists. We appeal to the World Federation of Democratic Youth, to communists, to all leftists and anti-fascists of Europe and the world!

We point out in all clarity that the Zelensky regime is preparing our assassination. The regime has publicly and repeatedly warned us of our assassination through the current policeman Yevgen Kravchuk. The policeman wrote calls for murder on „Facebook“ and actively spread our home address – knowing full well that we are under house arrest and have nowhere to go, so we are trapped.

A police officer on duty can only make such statements and calls in public if the authority of the state allows him to do so. They officially place us outside the law and make it clear that no one will be punished for killing us. This is the practice of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, when communists and anti-fascists were outlawed. The Zelensky regime wants to make an example by executing us.

Comrades, please go as a protest to the embassies and consulates of Ukraine, the representations of the European Union and the OSCE, as well as other authorities and international organizations, to hold vigils – demanding that the Ukrainian authorities ’not allow the murder of the anti-fascists Kononovich‘. Please support us and do not allow our assassination by the Zelensky regime.“

Free the Kononovich brothers!

Struggle against NATO and Ukrainian fascism!

Struggle against German imperialism!


Einladung zum Sommercamp der KO

Einladung zum Sommercamp 2025 vom 28.05.-01.06. im Südharz; Wir wollen uns austauschen zu: Arbeit in der Palästina- und Friedensbewegung / Studiengang zur Geschichte des Kommunismus / Berichte von internationalen Konferenzen und Kämpfen / Sport- und Freizeitangebote; Anmeldung bis spätestens 13.04.2025 über die Ortsgruppen oder per Mail an info@kommunistische-organisation.de

Faschisierung auf der Straße und im Parlament 

Ein Rekordhoch rechter Gewalt, während AfD und CDU gemeinsame Sache machen. Yakob Jasko und Philipp Kissel kommentieren die jüngsten Ereignisse rund um die Hetzkampagnen seit Magdeburg und die Einbindung der AfD.