

Justice for Nahel: The intifada of the popular neighborhoods in France

We document here the joint statement of the comrades of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, Samidoun Paris Banlieue and Masar Badil on the current protests in France. The colonial continuity of racist violence mentioned in this text cannot be emphasised enough.

Urgent: Stop the Assassination of the Anti-fascists Kononovich by the Zelensky Regime

The Kononovich brothers are under house arrest in Ukraine. Now they are under threat of assassination. Go to the Ukrainian consulates and protest against the planned murder!

IF DDR: Dossier on the 70th Anniversary of 17 June 1953

On the 70th anniversary of the attempted coup in the GDR on 17 June 1953, we share here a dossier from the International Research Centre GDR (IF DDR). The articles listed there expose the West's lies about the events and shed light on the actual background of the developments.

!دعوا صامدون والجبهة الشعبيةوشأنهما – Hands off Samidoun and PFLP!

Stop the propaganda against Palestinians – solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement! Stop the criminalisation of resistance: abolish terror lists! Remove the paragraphs 129 a and b!

Podcast #35 – Communist Party of Kenya on Neocolonialism and Imperialism

Our guest Booker Omole the national vice president from the Communist party of Kenya talks about the neocolonial system that developed after the formal independence of Kenia in 1963 and that is still shaping the political reality today.

!ضد قمع العمل الفلسطيني في ألمانيا – Gegen die antipalästinensische Repression in Deutschland! – Against the attacks on Palestine organizing in Germany!

دولية نلبي نداء شبكة صامدون للتضامن مع الأسرى الفلسطينيين Wir unterstützen den Aufruf des Palästinensischen Gefangenen Solidaritätsnetzwerkes Samidoun. We support the call of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Aufruf von Borotba: „Es ist die Pflicht eines jeden anständigen Menschen auf diesem Planeten, den Faschismus zu bekämpfen.“

Zum Tag der Befreiung vom Faschismus am 8./9.Mai veröffentlichen wir diesen Aktionsaufruf unserer Genossen der antifaschistischen Organisation Borotba aus der Ukraine. For the day of liberation from fascism on May 8/9, we publish this call to action from our comrades of the anti-fascist organization Borotba from Ukraine. В День Победы мы публикуем этот призыв наших товарищей из антифашистской организации "Боротьба".

Relaunch der Website und Reupload alter Podcasts und Aufzeichnungen

Wir haben unsere Website umgestellt und aktualisiert. In diesem Zuge haben wir alte Podcasts wieder hochgeladen, die von der Abspaltung der KO begonnen wurden zu löschen.

Solidarity with Samidoun and the Palestinian struggle for Liberation!

Read our declaration of solidarity with the comrades of Samidoun in English.

Recording – Nilotpal Basu (CPIM) on Imperialism and Ukraine War

What is CPIM's assessment of the Ukraine war? What is its understanding of imperialism today? Together with Nilotpal Basu (member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of India - Marxist) we discussed the CPIM's position on the war, the role of the Modi government and the Indian bourgeoisie, and the strategy and tactics for the Indian working class.